My Blog Master

Okay people. Here is your chance to have a cool blog of your own. William has been one of my best friends since college, and he is the one responsible for making my blog look just like my website. If you are a photographer and would like your blog to match your website, contact him here. See Will’s cool website by clicking here.

Tonight I went to Will’s house to hang out. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was a crazy pile of wine corks on the floor. We finished off a bottle and added our own cork to the pile.

Working on my site…tonight Will coolified my comments feature, helped me figure out why my sidebar links kept disappearing and created a script that rotates my smiling face each time you visit my blog. Try it! Refresh and you’ll see what I mean!

Jules & Will in the kitchen

What Will was doing in the kitchen… ladies, this was a MEAN pizza. You gotta love a man who can cook!! Will is going to make some lucky lady very happy.

Olive flirts shamelessly.

I have always wanted to do a book of refrigerators. I think people make huge efforts to design their homes, but the fridge has always been reserved for magnet-art and quick notes and therefore (I think) it more accurately reflects a person’s personality. Will’s fridge is no exception… and even features yours truly inhaling a watermelon at Canter’s.

3 thoughts on “My Blog Master

  1. That would be a great coffee table book – refrigerator doors… only jules would think to take a picture of that!

  2. Jules, your “comment” section is coolified, for sure. I LOVE Will’s stuff, and gotta say, LOVE the fridge! rock and roll! AND i noticed that your picture changed even before you said anything about Will changing it. love you sistah!

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