Las Vegas Wedding!

joy & brett.

My sister, Joy, and her husband, Brett, were married June 10, 1995. For their eleven-year anniversary, they decided to renew their vows Vegas-style! I drove out there on Saturday morning to join them for one of the funniest weddings I’ve ever attended. More impressive, though, is that Joy wore the same wedding gown as she did for her original wedding!

what I saw:

Arriving to Fabulous Las Vegas!

Off to the church!

The King himself walked Joy down the aisle…

Who says Elvis is dead?

Joy & Brett got a lot of attention on Fremont Street.

I thought Joy & Brett looked amazing

22 thoughts on “Las Vegas Wedding!

  1. jules! joy! ooooooooooooh!
    such good images, so much love. i am so privledged to know you both.

  2. Okay, I am impressed! 1) Jules, you have heard it a ton already, but you clearly have such skill and innate ability. You make it look effortless and natural! 2) Joy and Brett, it is awesome seeing these pix for so many reasons, not the least of which is that you have kept that silliness that keeps the sparks flying–way to go! At 22 years I expect to see Elvis dress as King Arthur riding a horse and conducting your wedding in Monty Python lines!

  3. SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! I can see the love you have for Joy in the pictures! I think you captured her personality perfectly! I know these are private/personal pictures, but you could really submit them to be used in an ad for Vegas or one of the resorts. This really captures the fun of getting married/renewing vows in Vegas!

    The only thing that would have been even cuter would be two tiny flower girls……………………

  4. Joy, you are a BEAUTIFUL bride. And Jules, those are amazing pics!! You are the world’s coolest cousins!

  5. The photos blew me away!! I love how you storybook the event. I can totally envision Joy’s photos up in a swanky gallery or coffee shop in LA (or Vegas!!). Joy and Brett are a darling couple, and the pictures certainly showed through!


  6. jules, i loooove being on your blog. thanks for coming to the wedding and documenting it all. what would i do without you? you absolutely captured the feeling of the weekend. amazing, as usual.

  7. How utterly fun and amazing!

    Isn’t she soooo lucky she has you?

    That’s what I tell my sister. (grins)

    fab as usual, jules!


  8. Joy looks prettier now then she did 11 yrs. ago. The gown looks better now too….It MUST be the photographer!

  9. OOOOHHHH My GOD! What an absolutely FABULOUS journal of a FUN wedding! It makes me feel as if I were there! The Photographs make it look so exciting! Juliet you are amazing!

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