PUG Holiday party at Bodega!

I am the leader of the Los Angeles Pictage User Group which meets at my home studio on the third Wednesday of each month. Tonight we joined the Orange County PUG at the very cool Bodega Wine Bar in Santa Monica for our Holiday party!

The Puglets!!

3 thoughts on “PUG Holiday party at Bodega!

  1. oooh, the prettiest puglet of them all! i LOOOOVE your dress and the coolio shoes!! When do I get to borrow them?? Can’t wait to have you to myself for the Christmas Season! Is Olive being a good girl? Santa is watching her too!

  2. I really love the pictures of you! Cool! I think its awesome that you get to go to all these neat holiday parties!

    So, when do you have your parties for your on line fans?? 😉

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