my beautiful mom

Recently my sister and mom came to visit. The first day we spent having fun and going to the spa… the second day they worked in my office to help me get organized for the new year. My family rocks. Mom needed a new headshot for the Bear Valley Music Camp that she runs every summer, so we shot one in my living room against my favorite blue couches!

isn’t she pretty??

6 thoughts on “my beautiful mom

  1. Hello there, Juliet!!! It’s been years since we last talked so I decided to drop you a line after finding your website. Your photos are absolutely beautiful. I am happy to see that you are doing what you always seemed to enjoy-capturing the moment through photography. I remember your first photography class at Clayton Valley High School. Joy, Jenny, Heidi & Tonya (and myself) were told “stand over there” and “look natural”. Those were some fun times. Send me a line when you get the chance. It was good to see you through your website photos!

    Take Care,


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