Portraits on Melrose

Although their wedding will be in San Diego this November, Robyn & Jeff live super close to me here in LA. We decided to do the engagement shoot in and around their home which is a block from Melrose Avenue. I love shoots like this because I know that years from now, after they’ve moved, these photos will be that much more significant to them. Today was really fun and now I’m even more excited to shoot their wedding!

I absolutely fell in LOVE with this amazing wall.

COLOR seems to be the theme this month…

Cute Robyn…

Jeff had a GREAT laugh…

Also included in today’s shoot: Shelby, the pup and Senator, the cat.

I love this moment…

Hello pretty rock!!

15 thoughts on “Portraits on Melrose

  1. Hey!
    I’ve been stalking your blog for a while so it’s a pleasure to have you stalk mine 🙂

    I DIG your work.

    I love the shot with the yellow shoe, and the one where the dog looks like he’s yawning while they’re kissing is classic.


  2. What great photos! Love that first wall too! and it is amazing that the bottom of his shoe matches that yellow wall 🙂

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