July PUG

Because I’m going out of town next week, July’s PUG (Pictage User Group) was held this week instead. I lead the Los Angeles PUG on the last Thursday of each month, and if you are a photographer in the area, please come join us!

Our speaker this month was the very handsome and talented photographer Mike Larson. He was quite inspiring and had a lot of great things to teach us about how we should be approaching our business and personal goals.

Also, I want to give a big thank you to Alice G Patterson who was July’s Studio Spotlight. I think Alice’s tag line “big Events, little Moments” is just so cute! She showed us some beautiful work, and it was really great getting to know a little bit more about her.

Afterward, a bunch of us went to Canter’s to get Matzo ball soup – my favorite!

the gang:

Mike Larson:

Alice G Patterson:

Mike Larson, Robert Evans, me and the Matzo ball:

5 thoughts on “July PUG

  1. Dude

    it was SOO great hanging out and talking to the group last night! everyone was so nice and I want to come back!!! Thanks so much, and now i LOVE matza ball soup too! Rachel and I had a great time hanging out afterwards, see you around, have a great day…

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