Kevin Kubota workshop!

This past week has been an insane week of getting up early and running all over the place. Thursday morning, Robert Evans and I flew to the Bay Area to attend Kevin Kubota’s Lightroom workshop in Walnut Creek. I was really excited because it meant I got to see my family as well as learn some new skills by the super talented Kevin Kubota. The class was all day on Friday, so my sister, Joy, organized a really fun sushi dinner for a bunch of local photographer friends on Thursday night.

Joining my sister and I were Gene Higa, Ann Hamilton, Robert Evans, Kevin Kubota, Frances Marron, Allyson Wiley, Julie Mikos, Heather Whiting & Jennifer Skog.

One COOL thing I discovered is that my custom presets work in both Bridge CS3 and Lightroom on JPEGS!!! Woo Hoo! I’m off to work on the beautiful wedding I shot this weekend… check back soon to see those images!

7 thoughts on “Kevin Kubota workshop!

  1. Such fun times!

    Figures Gene had to squeeze in his iPhone in one of the shots! LOL

    Great seeing everyone, and meeting some new peeps, too!

    Thanks for organizing, J&J!

  2. that first group shot is so well done!! Hubby Brett Brown didn’t even get a photo credit… just because he is the one non-photographer in the group! Thanks ALL for a fantastically fun night!

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