I just found out that I have been accepted to speak at the 3rd Annual Los Angeles Pictage Partner Conerference. I’m so excited! I am going to be speaking about workflow, (“Getting from I do to I’m done“) and now that my presets work for Lightrooom, (Thank you, Karin Linde!) I guess I’ll have to include a little info on that. (BTW, if you have purchased my presets for ACR but would also like them for Lightroom, please let me know, and I will send them to you.)
I have the posters from the first two PartnerCons up in my office!!
Congrats Jules!! Mary and I can’t wait to see you again in September!
So cool! Wish I were going 🙂
Mucho congratulaions Jules. You’re just jammin’ this year. You know, a very cool way to start your talk would be to show a really cool video on how cool it is to be Jules. 😉 But seriously, great job. See you there.
congrats!!!!! see yo in LA in a few weeks!!!
Ok, Ok, I want to be the first to request autographed copies of these posters. For when you’re famous I can say I knew you when…….wait, you ARE Already famous in your own right! Go Jules! I am so proud of you. Maybe one of these talks, someone can make a video of you, and you can post it on your site; for those of us who can’t make it!
Congrats! How exciting. You are so talented, I couldn’t see them not accepting you. Have fun! 🙂