Descanso Gardens

Today I shot engagement portraits for Heryati & Michael. They said they were very stiff in front of the camera, but I beg to differ!! They are adorable.

BTW, I know I still owe you more images from my 9/22, 9/29 and 10/6 weddings, so check back soon!

7 thoughts on “Descanso Gardens

  1. Hi Juliet! They are all great, but I like #2,6,8,9 and 11 The best. I think #6 is my favorite (counted from the top).
    It sounds like you are extremely busy this “fall” season. Congratulations! Do you get most of your clients through word of mouth!? I am so proud of you!


  2. I’ve just updated to CS3 and start shooting raw. The moment I get to manage Adobe Camera Raw properly I will inmediate purchase those raw settings of yours that I simply love!!!

  3. Hi Jules!
    These shots are great! On the contrary, I think this couple looks very laid back and relaxed! You always seem to make people very relaxed and natural in all of your shots! I am sure they love these!You are an inspiration!

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