My LA PUG at Robert Evans Studio

As most of you know, I am the leader for the monthly Los Angeles Pictage User Group. Its a great way to not only keep up on the latest offerings at Pictage, but to have a chance to socialize and get to know other photographers in the community better. One way we do this is the monthly Studio Spotlight. Last night’s PUG had the very well-known Robert Evans as not only the Studio Spotlight but the speaker as well. It was a HUGE success! Mr. Popular pulled in a whopping 58 photographers!

The PUG was at Robert’s very cool studio, and he provided tons of yummy snacks for us! THANK YOU, Robert, for all of your time and the informative lecture. Be sure to check out Robert’s newest venture, where you can learn from the master himself!

Here is Robert dispensing his wisdom…

Everyone taking the wisdom in…

Robert shared a few pics from way back in his very early Hasselblad days… some were really funny!!

Jules Bianchi and the lovely Shannon Lott. (Thank you, Shannon, for making the long drive up, and thank you, Scott, for taking this snap of us.)

6 thoughts on “My LA PUG at Robert Evans Studio

  1. What a great studio! It looks like you had a really good turn out! I went to my first PUG meeting up in Washington with Me Ra and it was a great time to get together and talk shop. I like how you organize it so it moves around to different studios. Just wanted to let you know that I love visiting your blog for fresh ideas and inspiration!

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