
My father had to make a hard decision recently about his dog, Oreo. Oreo was very sick and in pain and Dad realized that it was time to let him go. He and Pat had Oreo for 14 years, and he was part of the family. I have been feeling so sad for them this week, and it has got me thinking about my relationship with my own dog, Olive. She has been a part of my life for the past 10 years and its difficult to imagine living without her. There is nothing like the unconditional love that comes with having a dog. If you have a pet, please take five minutes today to pay them some attention.

This is a shot of Oreo and my niece, Penelope, from maybe 2003.

This is a shot of Olive that I took this afternoon… I was shooting her for An Olive a Day and thinking about all of this.

4 thoughts on “love

  1. Jules,
    Please send my love to your family. It has been exactly six months since Maggie passed away and the days still feel as though something isn’t quite right. The love we give them is nothing in comparison to that which we receive in return. The greatest tragedy is that their years can’t match ours. xo a

  2. Jules, that is so sad. My mom and dad are going through it right now with their airdale, Edgar. He’s having some tests — but they are really scared. 10 years with him. What a sweet picture of Oreo and your Olive. deb 🙂

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