New Splash Page!

For a while I have wanted to change my splash page to one that better suited my personality and my websites in general… just something more fun than the plain one that has been in place for a while now. My darling boyfriend, Marty, helped me design something that I think is really pretty. Marty is a fantastic web designer, so once we figured out exactly how it should look, he programmed it to function properly. I love it!

If you are in need of a custom blog, new site or just a spiffy new splash page, feel free to click here and contact him!

Click on the image below to see my new splash page in action and try the rollovers for yourself.


to compare, here is what it used to look like:

3 thoughts on “New Splash Page!

  1. Love the new splash page! I liked your old one, too, but it’s great to show us some of your images right from the get-go. (Marty, you did good.)

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