Super Exciting News/Please vote for me!!

Pacific Weddings Magazine recently ran a contest to see which image they would print on the back page of their Winter/Spring 2009 issue.

They were looking for an image with a NOSTALGIC feel (note: not necessarily an old photo, but one that has a nostalgic sensibility). The photo was to capture a magical, emotional moment in a wedding celebration. It can be any extraordinary shot that instantly conveys emotion. The shot Joy entered was from Elena & Matt’s wedding that I shot back in 2005!

My darling sister, Joy, entered the following photograph. I am honored to have won a spot amongst these top 10 finalists: Stephanie Williams, Steve DePino, Jeremy Lucero, Jennifer Skog, Jessamyn Harris, Christian Oth, Heather Waraksa, Lindsay Docherty & Frank Amodo

click here or on the image below to cast your vote!

3 thoughts on “Super Exciting News/Please vote for me!!

  1. voted for you! of course!!! the most nostalgic out of all, i thought! i don’t know if the post went through though. i hope it did. congrats!!!

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