Vincent Laforet

Last night Marty, Dina Douglass and I went to listen to the fabulously talented Vincent Laforet speak at the APA meeting. Sometimes its nice just to go and be inspired by other photographers. Vincent worked for many years as an aeriel photographer for the New York Times. Its a very different kind of photography from mine, and it was SO cool to see his portfolio. Canon’s newest camera takes video, and Vincent made one of the first movies with it. Click here to watch his movie, “Reverie.”

I’m so excited to be working with Marty Thornley next year to incorporate video with my photography thanks to the new Canon 5D MarkII!

Shot with my Blackberry:

Vincent Laforet

Marty Thornley, Jules Bianchi & Dina Douglass

1 thought on “Vincent Laforet

  1. I saw him in NY. Great story about him photographing work being done on the Empire State building. Loved the images. Loved the aerial shots over Central Park too. Awesome. Inspiring.

    Right after that I started hovering over brides and grooms.

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