The Bianchi pysanky of 2010!

Sorry they are a day late… but better late than never!! Here are the eggs of 2010 – there are actually a few more, but they have already gone home with their owners so I can’t add them here…. Thank you again to everyone who came and made pysanky with me!!

7 thoughts on “The Bianchi pysanky of 2010!

  1. I am so sad that I’m not joining in you Pysanky fun this year. Even though I am horrible at it, and always make a total mess of my egg, I always enjoyed it. Miss having you be my neighbor, Miss Jules.

  2. they are so beautiful, Jules! we’re so loving our pysanky tradition over here too! i’ll get mine up soon so you can see ours. i hope your easter was happy!

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