Family Love

I just love this family! This is my fourth time shooting with the Romano Family and I am starting to feel like part of the clan. First I shot Gina and Tim’s engagement portraits at USC, then I shot the ladies of the family down in Newport Beach when they did a surprise portrait for their dad in 2003. In 2004, I shot Gina & Tim’s wedding at the very cool Cathedral of Our Lady in downtown Los Angeles.

Today was a big family portrait with Mom, Dad, sisters, spouses and the newest member of the family, Karina.

The star of the day

Louis, who also made an appearance at both the wedding last year and the engagement portrait

The three muses

The family, a little more casual

The family, a little more formal

2 thoughts on “Family Love

  1. I adore your picture of the baby, and of the dog. You have a great talent for capturing animals in portraits! I really think this is something you should pursue more. Maybe not as your main income, but as something on the side.

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