Kevin Kubota’s fantastic workshops

So I’ve been using Adobe Camera Raw to convert my RAW files for about a year now, and I have really grown to like the workflow. After seeing Kevin Kubota whipping around his G4 yesterday, I’m convinced that I will stick with ACR rather than trying to convert over to Aperture.

If you ever have the chance to see Kevin speak, not only is he charming and funny, but he’s wicked smart!

Afterward, I had sushi with some fellow PhotoShoppers…once again I had to resort to asking the waiter to shoot us with my Nokia 3660 since my little p&s was back at the hotel… I think its kinda cute in an arty, fun way.

The Gang (in no particular order):
Stephanie Brockman & Jim Kennedy, Jules Bianchi, Tony Bison and his assistant, Jared, Carrie & Ryan Phillips, and Tiffany Stern (formerly Tiffany Nainkin.)

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