My joint Pictage User Group

Once a month I lead the Los Angeles Pictage User Group with Kurt Hilmerson. It is a great way to connect with other local wedding photographers, and because our PUG takes place right AT Pictage, we have access to all the bigwigs – for instance, Jeff Jochum (VP Marketing & Sales) spoke at our PUG tonight to give us some insight on the future of our experience with Pictage. I never realized what a funny guy Jeff is! We also had the priviledge of having the brand spanking new album designer previewed for us… what an amazing program that is!

Our SPOTLIGHT STUDIO tonight was the very cool married couple, Jennifer Greer and Nate Berggren, who are B&G Photography. They brought in a ton of their albums and told us about their unique style while we checked out their gorgeous work. If you are thinking of attending my PUG and would like to be the studio spotlight, please let me know! Its a great way to let others in the community know who you are!

Jenifer & Nate of B&G Photography

A Kurt sandwich with Jules Bianchi and Sara France bread

A PUG group riveted on Jeff Jochum’s every word.

2 thoughts on “My joint Pictage User Group

  1. Jules, I was registered but couldn’t make it this time… I had a beef @ work (long story). I’ll make it next time.

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