My Los Angeles PUG

I am the leader of the Los Angeles Pictage User Group that meets once a month at my home studio. Last night’s meeting was so much fun – it was a proof product extravaganza! About a month ago, I ordered a ton of different kinds of proof prints, proof magazines, willow proof books, etc, so that we would have them at the meeting to check out and talk about.

Nicol of Alyssa Nichol Photography was our Spotlight Studio this month, and her presentation was really wonderful. Her take on photography is so unique, and I LOVE that she donates 5% of all her wedding packages to charity.

If you are a photographer in the area, please feel free to join us! We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, and it is really so much fun. You don’t have to be a part of Pictage to come, you are welcome to join if you would just like an opportunity to meet other photographers… or perhaps you just want to meet Olive! Check out the photo below…she was there!!!

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