Bedtime with the Browns

I am in the Bay Area for the week of Thanksgiving to not only take a few meetings and do a pregnancy portrait tomorrow, but to spend some time with my family. I love being an auntie, and tonight I documented the Browns while they were winding down from the day and getting ready for bed.

I guess its not SO easy for Millie to wind down when Dad plays “airplane”…

Penelope started kindergarten this year and is learning to read! Here she is showing her skills to Joy…

Jules and Penelope take a silly self-portrait

And Ms. Olive supervises the whole thing from her post in the bed.

2 thoughts on “Bedtime with the Browns

  1. Millie and Penelope are so gorgeous. I am glad that they have a special auntie to capture so many of their awesome moments……………….

    Yes, YOUR daughter, Olive, looks happy also!

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