Power lunch in the OC

This past August, I shot a wedding in Sonoma and had the pleasure of working with Ron Dawson and the team of Cinematic Studios. Of course we blogged about each other, and through my blog, he discovered Dane Sander’s very cool new site, Cut Frame TV.

Dane and Ron began a conversation which eventually led to today’s luncheon. Dane gathered a few of the premiere photographers in the OC to discuss how community, sharing and networking has affected our business and lives. Ron filmed the whole conversation/luncheon to be used on both his growing archive of the Event Professionals Resource Outlet and on Dane’s Cut Frame TV.

The whole thing was a lot of fun, and I’ll be sure to let you know when the actual videos are online!

The Gang:

me, Dane Sanders, Jim Kennedy, Ryan Phillips, Joe Photo, Jessica Claire, Becker, Chenin & Doug Boutwell, Erin Reed, Mark Adams

Check out these shady characters…

Ron shot tidbits of each of us for the project…

The lunch!

8 thoughts on “Power lunch in the OC

  1. Hi Jules I just found your site and you through Simple photo minute which i just LOVE! Anyway i just wanted to say i really enjoy your photos and your ideas ( the kolo album thing is so cool! ) thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Ron passed on the link to me and I love this. This year, I am committed to sharing and helping others. It is time to start giving back all of you are the inspiration for that.

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