Verandas, Manhattan Beach

hiroko & richard.

Today’s wedding was at the lovely Verandas in Manhattan Beach. I loved the overcast weather – it brightened up just a little bit at just the right time, but not too much to make it too hot. Joy flew into town yesterday to go to Las Vegas with me tomorrow, so she was able to shoot today’s wedding, too!

I have sooo many favorites, but I still haven’t packed and Joy and I are leaving for VEGAS (and the big WPPI convention) first thing in the morning. Check out the ones I pulled for you:

Hiroko looked beautiful.

Richard laughed all day long!

Some ceremony details:

This is always my favorite moment – the ceremony has just ended and they are finally husband and wife!!

This shot Joy got makes me feel like a rock star.

This is what I was shooting:

We headed down to the beach for a little private time:

Everyone had a gift waiting for them…

…they were these gorgeous bowls with a poem inside.

These marshmallows were for the chocolate fountain…

I love this long exposure – Joy held the shutter in “bulb” mode, and I ran around the room with my flash… so fun!!

6 thoughts on “Verandas, Manhattan Beach

  1. Hey Jules. Love these shots. Looks like you guys had fun. I am located in Boulder, Co but I will be shooting a wedding at the Verandas in Manhattan Beach in september. Would you be willing to chat with me a little about the venue sometime. I’m sure you are super busy, so no worries if you don’t have the time. Let me know.


  2. Hey Juliet and Joy,

    Beautiful! You really captured their joy on the beach. I think I like those shots the best!

    Watch out Vegas, double trouble on the way………………..


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