Happy Birthday, my Olive!!!

Today is Olive’s 9th birthday! This is what she looked like when I first got her at FOUR WEEKS OLD!! Back then she had blue eyes and a white chest.

This is one of the most recent shots of her that I took during a lighting test in my backyard. She is so great. I just love having Olive in my life. Who knew she would make my life so much richer and fun?

9 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, my Olive!!!

  1. Jules, she is so beautiful. Looks like the perfect snuggle dog. Aren’t dogs THE best???!

    Happy 9th Bday Olive!! (love that name too)

  2. My mom had a dog named Charlie that she’d gotten at the pound. Charlie was a mutt, but she looked like a Border Collie. The neighbor had a pure bred Shar Pei who wandered into my mother’s yard one night… and wah lah, eight puppies! Olive was one of those puppies. As for her name, I have just always loved those old-fashioned names!! “Olive” suited her perfectly!

  3. Happy Birthday Olive! I know your Mom will spoil you! So, Juliet, how did you get Olive!? Share the story with us of how Olive came to be your “kid”, and how you came up with her name!

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