Custom PhotoShop presets

I have recently started selling my RAW custom presets, and I love it when photographers who have purchased them email me samples of their work after applying the presets.

I offer over 40 of them now, so shoot me an email if you are interested.

Check out these beautiful shots from photographers Mary Crow of Nashville, Tennesse and Margaret Smyth of Northern Ireland. I just love both of their work, and its fun to see how the “jb effects” make their images look so vintage and cool. (Not that they weren’t amazing to begin with, of course!)

Mary’s shots:

Margaret showed me one image converted in four different ways – so cool!

3 thoughts on “Custom PhotoShop presets

  1. Jules thanks for giving some blog loving. Your presets are such a timesaver I am loving them all.

    Mary and Jules it must be a sign you will obviously have to visit me how amazing would that be.

  2. Hi Karen! Stop by and say hi sometime. I am at the corner of 9th and Jones, the white Georgia with the big ole white pine on the corner. Such a small world we live in and it seems like Old Hickory is not quite as small as we think!

    Thanks Jules for posting the pics. I feel so honored!
    It is funny I have an email from someone in N Ireland … maybe it’s a sign that I should go visit Ireland. Perhaps it’s a sign.

  3. That is so cool Jules that people are loving with the presets! Can I just say…Mary Crow lives down the street from me. How weird is that?

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