Beverly Hills Hotel

katy & cary
august 25, 2007

On Saturday I shot Katy & Cary’s wedding at the lovely Beverly Hills Hotel. I was so excited to be working with the talented Stephanie Lairson again because she has such great taste and always keeps the weddings running smoothly. (Plus she’s just fun to be around!) Katy & Cary win for having the largest wedding party of the year – a whopping 27 people!

For those of you who are interested in seeing much more, please click here or on the image below!

5 thoughts on “Beverly Hills Hotel

  1. Jules,
    Again, I love these. Thank you.
    One correction though, there were only 26 people in our wedding, 6 were little bitty kids. So it wasn’t really THAT big. Right?
    THANK YOU!!!
    Katy and Cary

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