Photographer’s Summer BBQ!

I am the Pictage User Group Leader for Los Angeles. My group meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month to talk shop, listen to speakers, etc….. however, THIS month not only did we have a GREAT speaker, but we had a really fun Barbeque, photo contest AND a headshot swap! It was SOO much fun!

Those who wanted new headshots for their websites or promotional materials brought cameras. We paired up and spent about 40 minutes taking turns getting shots of each other.

My headshot swap partner was Martin Gee of “I Can See the Light” Photography. Isn’t this shot he took of me cute?? (Photographer technical note: He shot the image RAW, so I used my “jb dramatic” preset and changed the WB to “cloudy.” I love the slightly retro tone it gives the image!)

Summer BBQ fun! Adam Lopez and Robert Evans manned the grill and cooked up the meat everybody brought. There was SO much food! A brand new member, Christa Meola, even brought delicious cupcakes for her birthday! Happy Birthday, Christa! After Adam spoke, a bunch of us stayed late to swim. The pool was nearly 90 degrees!! THANK YOU, Ann Kelley, for generously hosting the event at your gorgeous home!!

Adam Lopez gave an inspiring talk about envisioning, building and LIVING our financial goals. I highly recommend contacting him for a private consultation!

There were 35 entries from my PUG for Pictage’s national contest, and Marie Bunke of PhotoArt by Marie won! Her image will now go up against the winning images from all the other PUGs in the country to see who is the final winner. Congratulations, Marie! Best of luck to you! Here is the winning image.

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