2007 Wedding Greatest Hits!!

It was very difficult to pick my favorites from all the weddings I’ve shot and second shot on this year to make my 2007 Wedding Greatest Hits slideshow. I want to tell you how fortunate I feel every day to have such a fulfilling job and amazing clients. Thank you to all of my clients who have trusted me to create images for them from their most important day.

I also want to thank my friends Dina Douglass, Julie Weaver, Debra Gerson, Ann Hamilton and Robert Evans for doing second shooter swaps with me. I feel so lucky to have such talented friends to shoot with!

9 thoughts on “2007 Wedding Greatest Hits!!

  1. Wow has it been almost a year?! I love all the photos I can’t beleive Martin and I are coming up on a year from when you took those pictures. How time flies when your having fun. We both want to wish you a VERY merry christmas and a wonderful new year. Can’t wait to see what the new year brings next. 🙂

    Much love,

    Monica & Martin

  2. Hi Jules

    What a wonderful year with so many spectacular images to show for it. All your weddings look amazing! BRAVO!!! You’re such an inspiration to me.

    I hope you have an awesome Christmas.

  3. jules what a great year! you are very talented and your images are very inspirational. im also a huuuge fan of your detail shots….and well pretty much all the other shots too 🙂
    i miss seeing you posting your images on the pictage forum.
    hope you have a very merry christmas!

  4. Great slideshow, you shoot such fun weddings! You are the ring and shoe photo master! Of course your people photos are wonderful as well but I really love what you do with the shoes and the rings. (my husband is the cake photo master). We all have special places where we SHINE! Very inspirational you are!


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