Happy Holidays!

This is the last week of the year that Jules Bianchi Photography will be open. I’m excited to be shooting my last wedding of 2007 next weekend and then taking a much needed break… don’t worry, though, we’ll be starting right up again with our first wedding of 2008 on January 5th!

8 thoughts on “Happy Holidays!

  1. Happy Holidays! Best wishes to you in the new year. I cannot believe your first wedding of the year is already in january.. you work SOOO hard!!!

  2. Happy Holidays, Jules. I wish you all the best for next year and I hope you have and splendid Christmas time.
    I’m going to miss your nice posts, though…


  3. Happy Holiday Jules, Martin and I hope that 2008 brings all your wishes to you and your family. We’ll be thinking of you at Christmas time, have a wonderful and well deserved break, can’t wait to see what in store next year. Miss you! 🙂

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