PUG Holiday Party

I just LOVE the holidays! As most of you know, I am the leader for the Los Angeles Pictage User Group. We meet once a month to network, listen to speakers and learn about the latest goings on at Pictage. However, this month in lieu of a meeting we had a party with both the Orange County and Clairmont PUGs at the very cool Life on Wilshire. I was thrilled with huge the turn-out!!

One of my PUG members, Zephrine Hanson, came up to me as she was leaving just to tell me how much she has appreciated the monthly meetings. She told me that not only has she really grown in her business because of them, but the community that Pictage and the PUGs has provided her as a photographer has been invaluable. I couldn’t agree more… its nice to have a community of friends who understand the kind of crazy life photographers lead. If you are a photographer in the Los Angeles area, feel free to come join us!!

PUG leaders Lauren Hillary, Julie Weaver & Jules Bianchi

The party people!!!

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