Kathy Weller Pet Portraits

I believe it was one of my loyal blog followers, Jeanne, who originally told me about the fabulous Pet Portraiture artist, Kathy Weller (and if it wasn’t you, Jeanne, then whomever it was, please leave a comment!)

As a gift to myself, I decided to get my pet’s portraits painted by Kathy. If you have a pet lover in your life that you’d like to get a very original gift for, this is a really fun idea! Click here to check out her site.

This is the amazing portrait she created of Olive & Abigail! I love that she included some of my favorite things such as my vintage camera collection, Blythe, Pysanky and sunflowers as well as two of Olive’s favorite toys and a greenie, her favorite snack.

9 thoughts on “Kathy Weller Pet Portraits

  1. Jeanne, this is actually the second version she came up with for me. We had many emails going back and forth about what should be in the drawing. I wanted something that would make me think about 6th Street (where we live) when one day we don’t live here anymore. I think she nailed it!

  2. Me again…………Did she ask you what else you liked (To include in the picture), or did she just read your blog and figure it out, or what? I guess she would have had to ask you …….there is too much detail! I love it. When I looked at other paintings on her site, it just seems like they didn’t go into the detail that she did on yours. Very unique, and very awesome.

  3. I’m so relieved to hear that Greenies are once again okay for dogs. Olive loves them so much!

    Jeanne, I don’t know about gifts for Blythe… its hard enough finding the right gifts for my family!!

  4. Hi! Yeah, it was me who told you…………….I love the picture! How cool that you did that! I feel so happy! She did an awesome job on the picture! Very very cute.

    PS. Is Blythe going to get any presents this year – such as a new outfit? 😉

  5. Thanks Jules, for hiring me!! It was an honor!! I loved doing the portrait of these two adorable fluff-balls!! Olive and Abigail sure are a lucky pair, with a super-great mom like you!! 🙂

    Vince, I wanted to chime in on the Greenies contrtoversy. I have heard/read that the Greenies company have totally reformulated the Greenies snacks so that they are now very safe and are no longer ‘gulp’able. The old formulation (the dangerous one) was apparently removed from the shelves and replaced with the new, reformulated Greenie treat in Nov. 2006. You can read more about it on their web site, Q & A section. There is a little bit of glossy PR spin, but, if you read between the lines, you can get pretty much the gist of the story pretty clearly… Take care!

  6. Very nice!

    btw, I’m sure you’ve heard of the cases where dogs have died from greenies. If you haven’t do a google search granted it’s only been 40 (reported) dogs in a year but I wanted to give you the heads up just incase you weren’t aware!

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