Light & Fast Seminar recap

WOW!!! Thursday’s Lighting Seminar was such a rush. Big thanks are in order to Samy’s Camera and Marty Glickman of Profoto for donating all of the lighting gear that John demonstrated. Thank you to Shannon Lott for taking photographs throughout the day and to Adam Lopez for video taping. Also thank you to everyone who attended – you are the reason the seminar was so great! I can’t believe the number of people who flew in (from as far as South Carolina, Florida and Connecticut to name just a few states) to participate. Check out some of the super nice comments!!

“I learned more than my college courses in only one day! wooo hooo! I wanted to thank you so much for all that you showed me. You’re an incredible girl with a enormous heart. I admire the fact that you will share what you know with others, not many people like that in this world…. I will forever keep the information I learned as my foundation. ” Christina – Bakersfield, CA

“Valuable ‘how to’ information. I love John & Jules’ work and feel they provide excellent perspectives on lighting.” Matt – Virginia Beach, VA

“Jules covered exactly what we were looking for! This seminar was absolutely perfect!” Meg & Charles – Pensacola, FL

“Helpful, comprehensive lighting info!” Jennifer – San Luis Obisbo, CA

“I believe that this information will make me a better photographer!” April -Rancho Cucamonga, CA

“It was really great how you both were so open to show how you did things. The best was just the seeing the little nuances that you do while shooting.” Jan – San Diego, CA

The fabulous John Mireles:

Here I am wrapping up my presentation:

Our fantastic participants:

John used me as a model for a few of his lighting set-ups, and I loved how the images came up on the wall seconds after he shot them!

And a big group shot to end the day!

13 thoughts on “Light & Fast Seminar recap

  1. Jules, thank you for tag-teaming with John and putting up an awesome seminar topic that hits every photographer right between the eyes: lighting. I LOVED how you and John both offered up different views and approaches. Glad to hear that you will be making this a regular thing.

    And hey…we’ve gotta wean you off of that PowerPoint!! 😉

  2. the lighting seminar was action packed with lots of good info. i just rented some gear and i’m going to shoot tomorrow using some of the things i learned! thanks again for sharing your skills!

  3. Wow! Who’s that suave fellow doing the talking? He must have had lots of really smart things to say.

    Hi Jules – Just thought I’d wander over and check out the photos from the day. I like the one of you with one of my shots in the background. Cool! I didn’t even know Shannon was taking photos.

    I had a great time. We’ll do it again!


  4. What an awesome experience! I learned so much in such a short amount of time. John is experienced and knowlegable and help take the guess work out of lighitng while Jules is very hands on and creative in her lighting solutions. She has an infectuous personality and is incredibly inspiring! Great job to both of you!

  5. Thanks so much for all of the valuable information! You were a delight and I loved your energy!

    I look forward to using some of your tips and tricks in my upcoming shoots. 🙂

  6. Jules, Ilove how you are always working to educate and inspire other photographers. I am a photographer who uses pictage and came across the video you did of how you meet with clients and just love your space and your energy… and your work ain’t bad either!
    wishin g you a great and sucessfull 2008.

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