Olive & Abigail have been hanging out in my office all week while I prepare for the lighting seminar I’m giving with John Mireles on Thursday! They are quite good company.
Olive & Abigail have been hanging out in my office all week while I prepare for the lighting seminar I’m giving with John Mireles on Thursday! They are quite good company.
Jules Bianchi Photography
How old is Olive?
How do you do, taking care of Olive and Abigail whenever you have to go traveling?
I have a Yellow Lab (Max) that I just wrote a post about him and his Greeting Cards line.
Paulo Jordao
ooooh! I want to hug Olive…she is so warm and cuddly looking!
It’s nice to see I’m not the only one who brings my furry friends to the studio!! They are so cute!
great company…and great models!
Isn’t love wonderful?

God’s presence is felt in many ways.
Smile and know that you are loved.
Aunt Lee xoxoxoxoxoxo
Olive is so cute in that pic. She is giving you the most priceless look!!!
These are such light pictures – you can REALLY see them. Olive has an expression like “not ANOTHER picture Mom”……….and I like the one of Abigail also.
I wonder if you ever take Olive to the dog park? My Dogs love it.
Wow these 2 are gorgeous and just chillin! What nice company.
I think you are quite good company … maybe that’s why they’re sticking around.
What a beautiful kitty you have! I’m jealous that she’s also that camera friendly. My cat turns away as soon as she sees me with the camera pointing her way
So cute Jules. My girl dog Louisiana keeps me company by curling up on the studio carpet as I while away the hours processing & designing. It makes me feel so cared for and cozy.
They are so cute! I love it when I am working and my Cricket kitty comes to visit.