The Ferry Building in San Francisco, Part Two

Later in the afternoon on Saturday, I met Teresa and Jeff, also at the Ferry Building. I am really looking forward to their wedding in the Bay Area this coming August. I love all the Bay Area clients because it gives me a great excuse to come up here and spend time with my family. (In fact, my sister, Joy, came along to both engagement shoots to hang out with me and to hold bags and equipment. Thanks, Joy!!)

We started the shoot at a flowershop in the Ferry Building.

More funky San Francisco art!!

Teresa wore the cutest shoes!

This is one of my favorites of the day.

Teresa really wanted a tram or trolley in their shot. I LOVE this one of the tram whizzing by as they make out in the middle of the street! hahaaa!!

11 thoughts on “The Ferry Building in San Francisco, Part Two

  1. Better than ever! Love the pictures. You really seem to have captured their personalities. They are a very attractive couple.

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