Jules Bianchi on "Ask & Learn" today

Once a week, Pictage has their “Ask & Learn Wednesdays” on their photographer’s forum, and this week they are featuring yours truly! If you are a Pictage member and have any questions at all for me, feel free to sign on between 4pm and 6pm today to ask!

7 thoughts on “Jules Bianchi on "Ask & Learn" today

  1. Hi Jules! What a great opportunity for people to spend a couple hours with you and gain some insite into your magic. It’s really cool how open you are and that giving back to the community is something you obviosuly feel passionately about.

  2. VERY COOL! I never get to participate live on “Ask and Learn” but I love going back and reading them! Such a great resource. I’ll be reading yours today 🙂


  3. How cool! Pictage loves you. What a fun experiece others get to learn from all your expertise. Have fun. 🙂

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