Palm Springs Photo Safari

People always ask me how to stay inspired. I think there is nothing better than choosing a place you’ve never been before and having a fun Photo Safari. This past weekend, I traveled down to Palm Springs to take a little time off and just shoot for fun.

I fell in love with the Korakia Resort where I stayed. I had been wanting to check it out for the longest time. If you ever find yourself needing a place to stay in Palm Springs, I highly recommend it. It is the most romantic little boutique hotel/bed & breakfast with the most amazing staff you’ll ever meet.

I spent the day looking for cool shadows.

Most of the plant life in town looked like this:

This strange fellow was guarding an abandoned Pioneer Town that was used as a movie set years ago.

I think this shot of me is really funny.

Here is what I was shooting:

I found a bizarre little collection of desert trinkets.

14 thoughts on “Palm Springs Photo Safari

  1. Ho-hum; you’ve made me so homesick for California. If you want more insperation – take a trip to Yosemite about the 2nd week of April – it’s so beautiful, and quite, and crisp, and inspirational. But you have to stop in Coursegold for lunch. Ok, that’s it I’m checking my calendar – I’ve just talked myself into a road trip!! Thanks Jules!!!!

    P.S.: Great images

  2. What an amazing set of images! I loved seeing the shot of you and cactus and then the cactus image right after it. I am so jealous that you have such cool deserty things near you! All we get in the NW is drizzle and cloud cover. 🙂

  3. How did you find this strange place? Some of the stuff looks so random. I agree with the others, the cactus is amazing. You end up being an inspiration to others as you get inspired.

  4. omg i’m jealous! i LOVE that shot of you shooting the cactus and then seeing what it is you were shooting. i don’t know which i like better, you, or the cactus!

  5. Way cool shots Jules. I see you love workin’ one of your favorite lenses, the 24-70 (I saw that on the Ask & Learn in Pictage). The pics he took of you are really nice!

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