Union Station

lori & jason

I have known Lori & Jason for many years and they are dear friends of mine. I was so excited when I found out that they were getting married, and I was honored to be the ONLY guest at their extremely private Union Station wedding this afternoon. Lori & Jason chose today’s date – 02/04/08 – as their wedding date because they liked the “powers of 2” that it represents. I love that!!

We started at Union Station downtown, tried to go to City Hall but were evacuated after someone pulled the fire alarm, shot at the very cool Bradbury Building and then headed back to City Hall to shoot in the rotunda and on the roof with the city scape behind us. The party will be in another month after Lori & Jason return from New Zealand!

Getting married…

Union Station has such a vintage feel to it that I really love.

Waiting for the train…



Evacuated from City Hall!

Their rings are SO unique..titanium and wood.

In the Bradbury Building…

Back at City Hall.

One of my favorites from the day…up on the roof with Downtown LA behind. I love you guys!!! Congratulations!

16 thoughts on “Union Station

  1. Truly adorable.I really love the one where they are standing … one of the last ones where you can see the ruffles of her dress. She looks so gorgeous. I also love the red shoes. Adorable.

  2. These shots are INCREDIBLE!!!! Lori and Jason look amazing (like actors playing the roles of Lori and Jason …. this is meant to be a compliment… ). This is an incredible body of work. I wouldn’t consider this “wedding photography” it could easily be included as a fashion story in Vogue. Makes me wish I coulda’ been there.

  3. jules!!! thank you so much for making our day so fun and capturing exactly what we wanted with your special eye. i was not your typical bride, but there were two things i knew i wanted: a black dress & your photography. beautiful, beautiful shots!

  4. Juliet, You have an awesome eye that captures the passion and story of each image. Your style of photography adds the finishing touch to their special day. Great Job!

  5. Wow! The only guest how special. The pictures are fantastic and really show ther personalities. What a fun store they will tell of their wedding day. 🙂

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