Jules Café

I’m sooo excited to announce that Jules Cafe is finally up and running! First and foremost I want to thank my sister, Joy, and my best friend, William, of Cobalt Kitty for designing and implementing the whole thing. YOU TWO ARE AMAZING!!!

So! Initially Jules Cafe was meant to be a place for photographers to sign up for my Tea for Two and purchase the custom presets that I designed. But its become so much more than that. Joy decided that it really needed to be a place for folks to visit and see what is new not just with ME, but with all of the fantastic photographers who are out there with amazing things to share.

Please check out the site and see all of the cool freebies and discounts and things that are being offered by both me and great photographers around the country! There are also tips, tricks, & goodies for you to enjoy, and we’ll be adding more all the time.

I am leaving for Vegas and WPPI tomorrow, so please come find me! I will be speaking at the Livebooks booth at 2pm on Tuesday and helping John Mireles man his booth as well. Come by to say hello and pick up some Jules Cafe tea cookies!!

6 thoughts on “Jules Café

  1. Waiting for the Cafe to launch was like waiting for a Wii to be in stock!! Anticipation built like crazy! 🙂 Awesome that it’s finally live. It looks fantastic Jules!!!

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