Light & Fast Seminar, once again.

The Light & Fast Seminar that I taught with John Mireles this past January was such a success that we’ve decide to hold it again! This is a comprehensive seminar about lighting. John gets through the technical stuff, and I go through what I look for and how I light a typical wedding.

Here’s the info:

Light & Fast Seminar
Thursday June 12, 2008
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Melrose Lightspace
7600 Melrose Ave Ste. N
Los Angeles, CA 90046

Don’t Wait! The cost is $300, but register before April 15 & save $100

CLICK HERE if you’d like to register now, or CLICK HERE for more info.

Here are some of the nice compliments we received from the last seminar!!

“I learned more than my college courses in only one day! wooo hooo! I wanted to thank you so much for all that you showed me. You’re an incredible girl with a enormous heart. I admire the fact that you will share what you know with others, not many people like that in this world…. I will forever keep the information I learned as my foundation. ” Christina – Bakersfield, CA

“Valuable ‘how to’ information. I love John & Jules’ work and feel they provide excellent perspectives on lighting.” Matt – Virginia Beach, VA

“Jules covered exactly what we were looking for! This seminar was absolutely perfect!” Meg & Charles – Pensacola, FL

“Helpful, comprehensive lighting info!” Jennifer – San Luis Obisbo, CA

“I believe that this information will make me a better photographer!” April -Rancho Cucamonga, CA

“It was really great how you both were so open to show how you did things. The best was just the seeing the little nuances that you do while shooting.” Jan – San Diego, CA

3 thoughts on “Light & Fast Seminar, once again.

  1. Just a note to all you blog stalkers…this has got to be one of the best $200 (if you sign up early!!) that you will spend for your biz. Think about it, two top photographers, each giving their unique (and at times opposing) views on lighting, for a whole day, in LA, meeting new photographers from around the country.Even at $300, this is instruction that is tough to find. I was fortunate to get in for the first seminar and my head was racing with ideas when it was all over.

    Jules, so glad to see that you guys are definitely doing it again. Are you using Keynote this time around? 😉

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