Millennium Park

Dad and I hopped in a cab and headed down to Millennium Park to play tourist for the afternoon.

We fell in love with the BEAN. I love the modern art against the old buildings in this shot.

Jules & Dad in the Bean…

The Bean is just so bizarre… looks like a wormhole into another dimension … Maybe it is…!!

My handsome father and some Frank Geary art.

I was thrilled to see bunnies in the middle of the city.

My mother LOVED Buckingham Fountain when she grew up here, so I made sure to get a shot of it for her. Love you, Mom! Wish you were here!

8 thoughts on “Millennium Park

  1. That bean was considered copyrighted, and security used to prevent people from photographing it. But the absurdity of the policy soon gave way to public ridicule. And now? You get pitchers!

  2. Natalie!! I loved your shoot at The Getty with me last month, but I thought the SAME thing when I was at Millennium Park!!

    Yes, Paul, that is my dad, and you’re right… we’re both pretty young.


  3. I love Millenium Park. It would have been so cool to do an engagement shoot there!! Hope you’re having fun in Chicago and see you soon!

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