The Disney Cruise

This past Christmas, my mother surprised everyone with tickets to the Disney Cruise in June. Well, after a super fun week, I’m finally back. What an amazing time!

I didn’t really take too many photographs since it was more about spending time with family and less about going on Photo Safaris, but here are a few just to give you an idea of the kinds of adventures we had.

Millie was so excited to meet Mickey Mouse.

Millie and her dad, Brett.

Penelope loved the Mickey and Minnie she got as a cruise gift from her Grandma!

The top deck was pretty windy…

We discovered a lot of Snow Whites on board (Millie is in the middle!)

Miss Mille (aka Snow White).

Mom and I went shopping in Cabo San Lucas.

The girls were able to pet and hold a REAL lion in Cabo!

Playing with their new animal flutes (that were being sold at every corner…)

Jules & Joy

Jules & Joy getting ready to ride off-road buggies in Mazatlan!

I DID do a tiny bit of swimming…

The girls got their hair braided by a young girl in Puerto Vallarta in the middle of the street.

Penelope at the Character Breakfast.

Millie at the Character Breakfast.

The whole family along with the waiters who tended to us throughout the whole trip. THANK YOU, Mom, for this wonderful trip!

2 thoughts on “The Disney Cruise

  1. LOVE it! It looks like you guys have a GREAT time! I always wondered how that cruise was now I know, we need to go on one soon. I love Disney! The girls looked SO cute.

  2. OMG that is the ONE cruise I’ve always wanted to go on!! I worked in travel for about 7 years and I never really wanted to cruise, but the Disney cruise seemed like a blast!!! Sooo lucky!!!!!

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