David Jay’s Free to Succeed Tour

Tonight I went to check out David Jay’s Free to Succeed Tour. Jasmine Star was his guest speaker, and both she and DJ were great to listen to. It was nice to see Todd Johnson, Robert Evans, Roberto Valenzuela, April Rocha, Kara Franz, and to meet a bunch of new folks like Christina Domingues and Mark Bassam to name just a few of the photographers who were at the packed out event. One of the tour sponsors is Couture Books, and the samples I saw were just gorgeous. I might have to add them to my studio…

Click here to see if David Jay is coming to your town, and be sure to sign up! If for nothing else but to check out the tour bus with his GIANT face plastered on the side.

1 thought on “David Jay’s Free to Succeed Tour

  1. So… Did you have fun? Did you learn different things?
    I don’t know if DJ is coming here to Fort Lauderdale, but I will check it anyway. Thanks for the tip.
    Paulo Jordao

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