birthday birthday birthday

I interrupt your regular blog to bring you My Birthday! Because I am a twin, I love to go to the Bay Area to share the day with Joy. It was particularly fun because even though Joy’s youngest daughter, Millie’s, birthday is actually September 26th, she had her Castle Party today! So it was like three birthdays in one. Fun!

Birthday Joy & Jules

All of the birthday girls, plus my Pop and Penelope.

Penny’s best friend, Iris, in the Castle Bounce.

Joy’s husband, Brett, held a special Castle Piรƒยฑata that drops candy when you pull the correct string. I love Penelope’s face here as she chooses which string she will pull!

Millie looks so happy amongst the sea of her friends diving for the candy.

And of course, birthday cake.

10 thoughts on “birthday birthday birthday

  1. Very sweet! You and Joy are so beautiful. How old are you now……………I think you are a year or two younger than I. ANYWAY, I love Millie’s face in the pinata part also – most kids get so anxious to get the candy, and she was just enjoying the whole thing.

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