3 thoughts on “Wente Winery Slideshow

  1. Hi Jules,

    There are so many pics I liked – they seem like a very sweet couple, and you really captured their day.
    These are the ones I like the best (I know there are alot):
    The first one of the groom looking in the mirror, His Mom fixing his flower, the couple smiling close up, the brides maids with their “pose” (awesome),
    His pic with the best man (really great), looking at eachother with their noses together (really cute),
    The bride looking out the window with her Dad, Her looking up at her Groom at the alter (the first one), them smiling at eachother on the dance floor, and last but not least the pic of the two flower girls. That is precious.
    Amazing Job to all,

  2. Hi Jules,

    I love it! Thanks so much! I got so excited when I saw this that I literally ran around my house screaming! I can’t pick a favorite…I love every single one and you and Joy and Marty did such an amazing job of capturing every emotion of the day! I can’t thank you enough!

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