Olive Goes to the Hollywood Sign

Today Olive and her friend, Tia, went to check out the Hollywood Sign.

Olive, however, was not impressed.

She had fun just goofing around with Tia in the park, instead.

I’m thinking THIS should be the cover of the book….do you like it?

12 thoughts on “Olive Goes to the Hollywood Sign

  1. Hi Jules!

    I guess you that is the reason you were putting the blog together in the first place (to make a book)………. I can’t wait! I will be one of the first to purchase your book!

  2. Jules, it’s gorgeous! And the first shot of the two of them is priceless as well! It crossed my mind recently you need to incorporate her star tag into the theme since it works so well! xo to you all

  3. i love it. love all of olive’s stuff. can she make a road trip to northern CA and do a photo shoot with cousin Jack?

  4. Hi Jeanne! Actually, I’ve been wanting to make this into a book for years and only finally started this year to shoot it.

    And Candice, Olive is actually not a Golden Retriever – she’s half Shar Pei and half Border Collie! (and all love)


  5. I LOVE the cover shot (In this shot, Olive kind of looks like the famous MGM lion)!!!!! How about adding some sunglasses to Olive for the cover? Can’t wait to see the finished product…AMAZING!!!!! :o)

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