Happy Holidays!!!

I am so excited to be heading up to the Bay Area with my darling boyfriend, Marty, tomorrow. I just love Christmas with my family, and I’m so happy Marty’s spending the holidays with us. I certainly hope that all of you are having a wonderful Holiday Season, too!

Today Olive was hanging out by the tiny pink tree I bought to decorate my house. (Sans ornaments because I think they are all out in the garage and I’m leaving town anyway…)

(for photographers: I shot this with the 45mm tilt-shift lens. I am just crazy about this lens. I love the look of it and I am finding it really fun to shift the plane for the depth of field. Even at 3.2 parts of both the tree and Olive’s face are in focus. I think its cool.)

4 thoughts on “Happy Holidays!!!

  1. I am so in love with Olive, I must meet her someday! LOVE the combination of the color of the soft, the orange blanket, the tree along with Olive’s coloring. Hope you and Marty have a wonderful Christmas!

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