An Olive a Day

I LOVE that Olive has her own blog, An Olive a Day. I love it because it keeps me accountable to continue shooting on a personal level. Because the goal is to blog a photo of her every day, I’ve decided to give a prize if anyone ever discovers that I’ve missed a day blogging there.

5 thoughts on “An Olive a Day

  1. Aha! I caught you! You’ve missed a LOT of posts on Olive’s blog until just recently. Today my daughter asked me what kind of dog Olive is and I ran a search and came across this post, which says she is Shar Pei & Border Collie. Really? Anyway, we’d talked recently about how much we’ve missed her daily posts in recent months. Prizes? The only gift I want is for you to keep posting a daily pic of Olive at the end of this month!

  2. My husband and I love looking at her blog! Since we can’t have pets in our cramped apartment in Japan, Olive’s daily images are the next best thing. 😉

    By the way, what kind of dog is she?

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