Olive Goes to the Capitol Records Building!

Becky has been a blog follower of mine since I shot her and Al’s lovely wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel last year. She knew about Olive’s book and had asked if her cute dogs, Mimi and Sandy could be a part of it. I was thrilled to have new friends and a new chapter for Olive Goes to Hollywood. If you would like to be in the book, let me know asap… we are nearly finished!

So today, Olive took her new friends, Mimi & Sandy, on a walk over to the famous Capitol Records Building.

There are a lot of Palm Trees in Hollywood.

7 thoughts on “Olive Goes to the Capitol Records Building!

  1. Her dogs are way too cute! They are groomed very well. I would love to have Bob and Lady in your book (our dogs) but we live too far also. Maybe at the very end of the book, you can include pics of “far away friends”, or something. 😉

  2. these look great! thanks for including mimi & sandy in olive’s adventures. we had a blast. can’t wait to see the pages!

  3. So cute! I love Olive! I went to college with Becky and saw your pictures from her facebook! 🙂

    I have a little yorkie Vernon who is a blast! How could we get involved in your lovely book?!

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