Are you an Actor in LA??

If you are an actor in Los Angeles, then this is the site for you!! My lovely and talented assistant, Jessica, along with her partner, Jamie, has started the very innovative business, Line Runners. Actors themselves, Jessica and Jamie created their company when they realized that actors needed to find other actors to, well, run lines with! Available practically ANY time of day, (you never know when you might get sides for an audition tomorrow!) you must check out their site if you have lines to run!

I was more than happy to spend an afternoon with Jessica and Jamie to shoot fun portraits for their new website. They are both such a crack up. Click here to check it out!

5 thoughts on “Are you an Actor in LA??

  1. Hi Jules-
    Love the photos you did for their site. If I was an actor, I’d hire them! Great idea.
    p.s.-your sister is right, the purple ‘here’ doesn’t work for me either.

  2. Hey Jules,

    I don’t think the purple link for more information is working. Just thought I’d let ya know. 🙂

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