Vegas, Baby, Vegas!

Marty and I are off to Las Vegas to meet Joy and participate in the WPPI Convention. It looks like I’ll be spending most of my time at the MGM where the convention will be, so if you’re a photographer at the convention, look for me and say hi!

Don’t forget…take a break at 1:00pm every day at the WiFi Lounge. There will be cookies sponsored by Jules Café for you to snack on.

Also, at 2:00pm on Monday, February 16th I will be doing a Q&A with Dane Sanders at the Pictage Booth, so please come by!

I’m looking forward to meeting Ty Miller, the fellow who won the Thirst Relief Mentorship Auction (thank you, Ty), and I can’t wait to see all of my old friends (and meet new friends) at the many parties happening this week! Follow me on Twitter to find out where!


(Hello to readers of my blog who are not photographers. If you are a someone who has found his or herself engaged on this lovely Valentine’s Day, please shoot me an email… I would love to photograph your wedding!)

3 thoughts on “Vegas, Baby, Vegas!

  1. Hey Jules, great seeing you both at wppi. At the airport killing time. Can’t wait to get home. Had an awesome wedding yesterday – sign graveyard, red rock, ’59 red cadillac convertible, etc. Tons of fun, looking forward to posting it. Will check back for your conference recap. Cheers!

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