Portraits in Disneyland

Bree & Nick were married this past Saturday in New Mexico and flew to California to spend their honeymoon at Disneyland. Bree found me when she did a Disneyland Google search and my blog came up! She asked if I would come to the park to photograph her and her new husband, and I thought it sounded fun. With the fab Shaun Ring once again in tow, we walked around the Happiest Place on Earth to found portraits as we went.

14 thoughts on “Portraits in Disneyland

  1. Jules these are awesome! I’m making the 6 hour drive down there next month to take the kids. I now I’m getting really excited.

  2. I did an engagement session @ Disneyland before and it’s so much fun! I love the texture on image #13, and cool to see you did their names with the alphabet finds. I remember you talked about that in your last livebook session.

  3. Oh man, okay, so honeymoon in Disneyland = amazing! And then after that hire the super amazing Jules Bianchi to do the photography of it?? So super cool! My favorite image is definitely the last one with their names spelt out, that’s amazing!

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